Váltás magyarra (Change
to Hungarian)
chemist, technologist,
plant manager
- High-school
graduation, specialized chemistry
class (chemistry
teacher dr. Sándor Kromek), Nagy Lajos High School,
Pécs, 1990
- M.Sc.
in Chemistry,
ELTE, Faculty
of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry 1995
- Postgraduate
student, ELTE, 1995-1998
- Assistant
Professor, ELTE, 1999-2000
- Ph.D.
in Chemistry
(supervisor: dr. László
Szepes), ELTE, 2000
- Postdoctoral
fellow, Department
of Molecular Biophysics, Deutsche Krebsforschungzentrum, Heidelberg, 2000-2001
- Postdoctoral
fellow (OTKA-grant),
ELTE, 2001-2004
- Assistant
Professor, ELTE, 2004-2005
- Postdoctoral
fellow, (OM-grant) ELTE,
- Chemist,
Kutató Kft. (recent name: SONEAS Research Ltd.),
- Chemical
technologist, Project Manager, SONEAS Research Ltd. (formely known
as Ubichem
Kutató Kft.), 2011-2019
- Research
Fellow, Chemist, ELTE, Faculty
of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry,
Laboratory of Molecular
Spectroscopy/MTA-ELTE Lendület Laboratory
Astrochemistry Research Group, 2019-2021
- Plant Manager, Chemical technologist, Kappa Bioscience AS
(Oslo), now a Balchem
company, 2021-
Field at Glance
- Present
- Synthetic
production of K2-vitamin
and its starting materials
- Building
a plant for K2-vitamin production
- Technology
- Plant
- Past
- Matrix
isolation spectroscopy (IR, Raman, ROA) of small molecules
- Photoreactions
of small molecules in matrices
- Reaction
of small molecules with H-atom in parahydrogen matrix
- Building
and maintenance of high vacuum (HV) and ultra high vacuum
(UHV) equipment
- Organic synthesis, lab&plant scale
- Scaling up from lab
bench to
plant production
- API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) production
according to cGMP
- Process validation of
API production
- Project management of production
- Application of organometallic
catalysts in production,
such as
Schrock-Hoveyda- (Mo, W) and Grubbs-type
(Ru) metathesis
catalysts, various Pd-catalysts
etc. using inert atmosphere techniques
in plant.
- Synthesis and production
using inert atmosphere techniques
(Drybox, vacuum-line
- Purification processes on plant
scale (fractional
distillation, crystallization, cryo-crystallization, column chromatography,
(continuous) extractions)
- Working in cleanroom (D-grade)
- Synthesis of Flavours&Fragrances
(with Halal
and Kosher compliance)
- Bioremediation of POP (Persistant
Organic Pollutants,
i.e. DDT, 2,4-D) contaminated
- Synthesis of ferrocene derivetives of potential biologic
- Catalytic activity of modified Wilkinsons
- Transition metal complexes
of carbonyl analouge ligands
- Electronic structure investigations of catalytic transition
metal centers
- Applied techniques: ultraviolet photoelectron
spectroscopy (UPS), MS, IR,
NMR, inert atmosphere techniques (vacuum
line), theoretical chemical calculations
- Electronic structure investigations of carbonyl analouge
ligands (isonitriles
(RNC), dinitrogen (N2))
- Amphiphillic catalysis on allyl-palladium
- Mass spectrometry of
- Metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
(MO-CVD) of hard coatings (SiC,
ZrB2, CrxCy
etc.) in thermal reactors
from organometallic
- Electronic structure and geometry of silylated
- Electronic structure and geometry of lambda-4-sulfanes (sulfuranes) and related compounds
(sulfides, sulfoxides, sulfones)
Teaching Activities
- Chemical Technology (in
- Attainment target: Chemical technology
and technique
- Detailed Programme: Basic concepts
in technology and equipment. Pharmaceutical and fine chemical
technology. Basics of scaling up from labbench
preparation to chemical production. Large scale organic
and inorganic chemical technology.
Coal, gas and oil industry. Production of metals.
Visiting a chemical plant.
- Chemical technology development (in hungarian)
- Attainment target: Developing labbench procedures into chemical
technologies of pharmaceutical and fine chemical industry.
- Detailed Programme: Steps of scaling up. Basic plant equipment.
Chemical safety. QA issues, GMP and more. IPC and QC sampling and analyses.
Specification for starting materials, intermediates and
products. Carrying out reaction, quenching and
working up. Purification of crude material
(crystallisation, distillation, extraction, chromatography
etc.). Filtration, drying, packaging. Clean area.
Recycling, waste handling. Setting up a project.
- Vacuum technology (in co-operation
with dr. Dávid Frigyes;
in hungarian)
- Attainment target: Principles and
practice of vacuum systems
- Detailed Programme: Basic concepts
in vacuum
technique. Generation and measurement of rough, high
and ultrahigh vacuum. Preparative,
high and ultra high vacuum
systems. Materials,
construction and design. Components and accesories. Maintenance and troubleshouting.
Supervised Students
- Papers in referred journals
- Barbara
Keresztes, Sándor Góbi, István Csonka, Gopy Ragupathy,
Gábor Bazsó, György Tarczay: "Astrochemically Relevant
H-Atom-Abstraction and H-Atom-Addition Reactions
Connecting Fulminic Acid (HCNO) and Formaldoxime
(H2CNOH)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society (under publication)
- Gábor Bazsó, István Csonka,
Sándor Góbi, György Tarczay, "VIZSLA--Versatile Ice Zigzag
Sublimation Setup for Laboratory Astrochemistry", Review
of Scientific Instruments 94 (2021) 124104 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0061762
- Sándor Góbi, István Csonka, Gábor
Bazsó, GyörgyTarczay: "Successive Hydrogenation of SO and
SO2 in Solid para-H2: Formation of
Elusive Small Oxoacids of Sulfur", ACS Earth Space Chem. 5
(2021) 1180 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00043
- Barbara Keresztes, István Csonka,
Győző György Lajgút, Gábor Bazsó, György Tarczy: "Matrix
isolation study on the 1:1 hydrogen-bonded complexes
[H,C,N]...[H,C,N,O]", Journal of Molecular Structure 1219 (2020)
128535 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.128535
- Anita Schneiker, István Csonka,
György Tarczay: "Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation
reactions of the phenalenyl radical/1H-phenalane system at
low temperatures", Chemical Physics Letter 743 (2020)
137183 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2020.137183
- Sándor Góbi, Igor Reva, István
Csonka, Cláudio M. Nunes, György Tarczay, Rui Fausto:
"Selective conformational control by excitation of NH
imino vibrational antennas", Physical Chemistry Chemical
Physics 21
(2019) 24935-24949 https://doi.org/10.1039/C9CP05370K
- Benjamin J. Bythell, István
Csonka, Sándor Suhai; Douglas F. Barofsky; Béla Paizs:
"Gas-phase structure and fragmentation pathways of singly
protonated peptides with N-terminal arginine", The
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (2010)
15092-15105. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp108452y
- István Csonka, Bálint Sztáray, György Tarczay, Gábor Vass,
László Szepes: "Szerves fémvegyületek és molekulakomplexek
tanulmányozása fotoionizációs módszerekkel" (in hungarian,
english title "Investigation of Organometallic Compounds
and Molecular Complexes by Photoionization Methods",
Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat 113 (2007) 7-12 (https://www.mkf.mke.org.hu/images/stories/docs/2007_1/7_12_1-2007.pdf)
- István Csonka, Alberto Modelli,
László Szepes: "Donor-Acceptor Properties of Isonitriles
as Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Electron
Transmission Spectroscopy", Journal of Mass
Spectrometry 39 (2004) 1456-1466 https://doi.org/10.1002/jms.761
- István Csonka, Béla Paizs, Sándor
Suhai: "Modeling of gas phase chemistry of protonated
arginine", Journal of Mass Spectrometry 39 (2004)
1025-1035 https://doi.org/10.1002/jms.660
- István Csonka: "Elemorganikus
vegyületek elektron- és térszerkezeti problémái" (in
hungarian, english title: "Geometry and electronic
structure of elemental organic compounds"), Magyar Kémiai
Folyóirat 108 (2002) 34-38 (http://www.kfki.hu/chemonet/mkf/phd3/csonka.html)
- István Csonka, Béla Paizs, György
Lendvay, Sándor Suhai: "Proton mobility and fragmentation
reactions of protonated lysylglycine", Rapid
Communications in Mass Spectrometry 15 (2001)
1457-1472 https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.388
- Béla Paizs, István Csonka, György
Lendvay, Sándor Suhai: "Proton Mobility in Protonated
Glycylglycine and N-formylglycyl glycinamide: A Combined
Quantum Chemical and RRKM Study", Rapid Communications in
Mass Spectrometry 15 (2001) 637-650 https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.279
- István Csonka, Béla Paizs, Sándor
Suhai: "Evaluating the formation of salt-bridges: a
molecular orbital study", Chemical Physics Letters 326 (2000)
129-142 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0009-2614(00)00713-2
- István Csonka, Béla Paizs, György
Lendvay, Sándor Suhai: "Proton mobility in protonated
peptides: a joint molecular orbital and RRKM study", Rapid
Communications in Mass Spectrometry 14 (2000)
417-431 https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0231(20000331)14:6<417::AID-RCM885>3.0.CO;2-J
- István Csonka, Mária Mörtl, Dezső
Knausz, Veronika Harmat, László Szepes: "Geometry and
electronic structure of silylated hydroxylamine and
carbamic acid derivatives", Journal of Organometallic
Chemistry 579 (1999) 38-44 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-328X(98)01205-4
- István
Csonka, István
Kapovits, Dénes Szabó, Gábor Vass, László Szepes:
ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopic studies on
organosulfur compounds with
emphasis on the sulfur-oxygen interaction", Journal of
Molecular Structure
- THEOCHEM 455(2-3) (1998) 141-159 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0166-1280(98)00119-5
- WO2011089456
(A1) - NOVEL MEDICINAL COMPOUNDS , Piperazine derivative useful
against mycobacteriums,
Inventors: Csonka, István; Grolmusz, Vince; Répási, József; Szabadka, Zoltán;
Szabó, András; Kertész, Máriusz, 2011
- WO2011089457
(A1) - NOVEL MEDICINAL COMPOUNDS , Pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidine
derivatives and pharmaceutical preparations thereof
having anti-mycobacterial
activity, Inventors: Csonka, István; Grolmusz, Vince; Répási, József; Szabadka, Zoltán;
Szabó, András; Kertész, Máriusz, 2011
- Csonka
István, Kotschy András, Mörtl Mária, Szalay Roland, Vass
Gábor, Szepes László: Szervetlen és fémorganikus kémiai gyakorlatok,
ELTE Kémiai Intézet, 1999-2011 (in
- Csonka
István, Frigyes Dávid: Vákuumtechnika speciális előadás,
ELTE Kémiai Intézet, 2004- (in
Periods Abroad
- 1998:
short visit
at the
Department of Chemistry, University of Catania, Catania
- 1998-1999:
short visits
at the
Department of Molecular Biophysics,
Deutsche Krebsforschungzentrum,
- 2000-2001:
postdoctoral fellow at
the Department
of Molecular Biophysics, Deutsche Krebsforschungzentrum, Heidelberg
- 2004:
short visit
at the
Dipartimento di Chimica "G. Ciamician",
Università di Bologna, Bologna
- 2019: short visit at the National Chiao
Tung University in laboratory of Prof. Yuan-Pern Lee,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
last updated
in February,
2023 by István Csonka, Ph.D.